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Change management

move forward

The world changes rapidly around us and if we want to thrive, we need to adapt and change too.

600 strategy will help you navigate changes in your team or your organisation, supporting you in difficult decisions and supporting your people in times of uncertainty.


The best time to think about change management is well before you need to change. Creating a culture of adaptability and agility means that when changes need to happen, your people will embrace the opportunities and change can happen smoothly. 600 strategy will help you identify whether your team or organisation is change ready, and work with you to nudge the culture so that you're prepared for any and all futures.


But sometimes 'things happen' and change can be thrust upon us before we're ready for it. Getting a grip rapidly on the situation, dealing with the crisis and putting some structure around the changes gives us all some control back. 600 strategy will step in to help you deal with these crises, bringing expertise and energy to avoid the chaos.

Image by Barth Bailey


Alignment of your people and resources with your strategy is crucial in achieving flow. 600 strategy will review your current operating structures, business processes and culture and make proposals that will enhance the likelihood of making progress with your purpose.

Organisational design

Projects and programmes deliver change, with tried and tested methodologies that reduce the risk of unsuccessful delivery. 600 strategy can review your PPM practices, advise you on how to set up new capabilities and support your managers in getting projects and programmes back on track.

Project and programme management

Very few organisations would say that they deliver change well. Change management is not the same as project management and needs to be truly people-focused. 600 strategy can help you and your teams embrace the new world.

Change management

Find out more about our approach to change management by reading our blogs.

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